Production Music

As a composer of film scores, I've worked closely with Emmy award-winning director Karyl Evans. Recently I crafted a 20 minute musical score that breathes life into the extraordinary story of Mabel Osgood Wright, an influential pioneer of the Audubon movement.

I'm also enjoyed composing theme music for a podcasts. It's a fun challenge to summarize different podcast personalities and subject matter through music.                                                             

Karyl Evan's, Noah Webster, Schoolmaster of America:

I worked with Karyl to provide a 20 minute music score for her documentary on the life of Noah Webster.  The challenge with this film was to compose music that brought Noah Webster's story to life in the context of the time in which he lived.

Ten Poems by poet and visual artist, Mark Saba

Mark Approached me to compose incidental music for his unique poetry/film project.  Most of the sounds are derived from a mandolin that I recorded and digitally manipulated.  As the piece evolves, the mandolin begins to present itself in a more identifiable form which culminates in Mark's very moving poem about 9/11.

Podcast Music

Examples of Podcast themes I've composed:

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